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By Taylor Branch Pulitzer Prize Winning Civil Rights Scholar

The True Cost of College Sports

By Taylor Branch, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Civil Rights Scholar

An Insightful Look at the Business and Culture of Big-Time College Athletics

In his groundbreaking work, "The Cartel," Pulitzer Prize-winning civil rights scholar Taylor Branch delves into the hidden world of big-time college sports, revealing a complex system that prioritizes profits over the well-being of student-athletes.

Branch's comprehensive analysis in his article for The Atlantic exposes the business history and culture of college sports, highlighting the ways in which universities, athletic conferences, and television networks have created a lucrative industry while exploiting the labor of student-athletes.

Through extensive research and interviews with key figures, Branch uncovers the financial incentives that drive college sports, including television contracts worth billions of dollars and the expansion of athletic facilities, which often come at the expense of academic programs and student services.
