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A Guide To Choosing The Perfect Hues

Best Exterior Paint Colors for Houses With Gray Roofs

A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Hues


Choosing the right exterior paint color for your home can be a daunting task. But if your home has a gray roof, the process can be even more challenging. Gray is a neutral color that can go with many different hues, but it's important to choose colors that will complement your home's style and architecture.

Best Exterior Paint Colors for Houses With Gray Roofs

When choosing an exterior paint color for your house with a gray roof, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The style of your home. Different styles of homes look best with different colors. For example, a traditional home might look best with a classic white or black paint color, while a modern home might look best with a more contemporary color like gray or blue.
  2. The architecture of your home. The shape and size of your home can also affect the best paint color choice. For example, a small home might look best with a light-colored paint job, while a large home might look best with a darker-colored paint job.
  3. The surrounding area. The colors of the homes in your neighborhood can also affect the best paint color choice for your home. If you live in a neighborhood with a lot of brick homes, for example, you might want to choose a paint color that will complement the brick.

Popular Color Combinations

Some of the most popular exterior paint color combinations for houses with gray roofs include:

  • White with gray trim
  • Gray with white trim
  • Black with gray trim
  • Blue with gray trim
  • Green with gray trim


Choosing the right exterior paint color for your home with a gray roof is important. By considering the style, architecture, and surrounding area of your home, you can choose a color that will complement your home and create a lasting impression.
